Param name |
serializer Optional Blank Value Allowed |
This endpoint supports multiple response formats. Pass
page Optional |
Return the next page of results.
per_page Optional |
How many results to return per page. The default is 25.
created_at_to Optional |
Date formatted like 2016-01-01 12:25:15 -0500
created_at_from Optional |
Date formatted like 2016-01-01 12:25:15 -0500
fulltext Optional |
Search for any record that matches this text
time_zone Optional |
Date ranges will be parsed using this time zone.
columns Optional |
Specify the columns you would like returned by the API for a given resource.
Limiting the columns can significantly increase API response time since only the requested data will be processed.
Must be any combination of:
root Optional |
created_at_label Optional Blank Value Allowed |
Dynamic Date String such as “Today” or “This Year”
next_action_at_to Optional |
Date formatted like 2016-01-01 12:25:15 -0500
next_action_at_from Optional |
Date formatted like 2016-01-01 12:25:15 -0500
offer_id Optional |
Refer to the offer api for details
schedule_id Optional |
Schedule internal id.
contact_id Optional |
Match calls that were placed by this caller.
traffic_source_id Optional |
Refer to the traffic source api for details
buyer_id Optional |
Refer to the buyer api for details
status Optional |
Match results that have this status.
status_wait Optional |
Filter for leads that are waiting before performing an action.
number Optional |
Filter for leads matching this callerid.
email Optional |
The email address for the lead. The lead's email is required for sending emails from schedules to leads.
has_next_action Optional |
Filter for leads that have more actions to perform.
buyer_converted Optional |
Select leads that have converted.
offer_converted Optional |
Select leads where a traffic source converted.
either_converted Optional |
Select leads where either a buyer or traffic source converted.
opt_out Optional |
Select leads that have opted-out.